My Little Chicken's Portrait Session


Time slots:
20 minutes

These sessions will be held once a month

Special discounted price per family
$295 3 digital images
$450 6 digital images
$695 10 digital images

$100 Deposit.
*retainers are non-refundable and non-transferrable*

Are you looking for a simply black and white photoshoot that captures your child's personality? Then this is the session for you! $100is your retainer fee and does not go towards your final balance. Your final balance is due 48 hours prior to the session date listed above. After our session, you will get to see all of the images taken and get to pick which 3 digital images you want. Extra images will be available for purchase as well or upgrade to 6 or 10 images. Yes, sibling shots will be taken as well. Once you pick which images you want, I will start working on the ones you selected and you will have them in an online gallery ready for download within 2-3 week.

~~~~~~~The images shown is what the session will be. We advise you to wear any color or striped shirt and if you wear a white t-shirt , layering makes it fun too.~~~~~~~

Studio Mini Sessions will take place at Tiny Hearts Studio in Franklin Lakes, NJ.

~~Photographer agreement & final invoice will be emailed prior to session~~

Once you book, I will contact you with a time.